Suggested links

Some Genealogy and History Links

Association of Lemieux of France: Lemieux of the Old Country

The practical guide to genealogy in France: Genealogy

Commission of toponymy of Quebec where one finds details on the places where our ancestors lived with historical information: Commission of toponymy of Quebec

File origin which is a directory of acts of emigrants French and foreign established in Quebec from the origins to 1865: File origin

General Directory of the Canadian Clergy: Canadian Clergy

Ships coming to New France: Ships

Engagement Contracts and Passenger Lists for Canada: Contracts and Lists

National Archives of Quebec: National Archives

Federation of Family Associations of Quebec: FAFQ

Quebec Genealogy Society: SGQ

French Genealogy Center of America: Ancestors and History

Canadian Museum of History: Virtual Museum of New France

If you know interesting websites, do not hesitate to share them by email: [email protected]