Hello cousin Lemieux,
Oh yeah! We have been to the 100th publication of the newsletter of our Association and that for already 37 years. In order to mark this very special event, the Association decided to share the entirety of our collection on: "Pierre Lemieux-Maître Cooper 1616-166?” (the original document is written in French, I will try to translate for the next newsletter), directed by Georgette Lemieux-Dubaere, thanks to her many researches to discover all the history of our ancestors. This sharing of documents goes hand in hand with our Mission: "“to promote a sense of pride of our Lemieux heritage and share our findings about our ancestry ».
Previously, the newsletter was called "Le Journal des Lemieux", from May 1983 to March 1999, after which it was renamed "La Mieuserie" in April 1999.
For 37 years we have been publishing articles, information about our ancestors and of course everything about the history of our members. Without you, the Lemieux Association could not have gone to its hundredth newsletter. So, I want to thank everyone who contributed and who helps to write and share their articles. In addition, if the idea of going back in time interests you, I invite you to go to see all the old newsletters of our association on the website of Lemieux, in the “Member-section” reserved for members: https://familles-lemieux.org/en/member-section/. It is always captivating to re-read the first bulletins, it reminds us of good old memories!! (Have you lost your password? No problem! Send me an email to get a new one: [email protected]).
This year, we have planned three regional meetings to promote our association and meet our members and new members in the regions. The first meeting took place in the Rigaud area, at the Gallant Sugar Mill. It was very pleasant to meet our members while eating a good meal at the sugar shack. The second meeting will be held in Mont-Louis, Gaspésie on Saturday, July 13 for a dinner at Auberge L'Amarré and the third will take place in Grande-Vallée also in Gaspésie on Sunday, July 14 for a dinner at La Marée Haute restaurant.
This year, our 37th Annual general assembly will be held in Gatineau. All our activities will take place during the day of Saturday, August 17, 2019 from 9am to 9pm, it will be a pleasant day full of cultural & historical activities, as well as memorable meetings between Lemieux. I invite you in large numbers! You will find all the details of the schedule of the day and the registration form in this newsletter.
The next newsletter will be published in December 2019, so feel free to send me your articles on a Lemieux story in your area or a beautiful photo to mark your wedding anniversary or your union with your partner of Love, for your 10, 15, 20, ..., 50 years old!
Have a great summer and look forward to seeing you at our next activities!
François Lemieux